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“Captivate a BIGGER Audience like a Social Media Celebrity with this NEW game-changing Discovery”
“Captivate a BIGGER Audience like a Social Media Celebrity with this NEW game-changing Discovery”


If you’re ready to become one of the most influential, respected and talked about social media figures in 2020… 

Without spending more money on branding, websites, landing pages and expensive advertising,

READ this message carefully! 

Here’s why…


If you’re ready to become one of the most influential, respected and talked about social media figures in 2020… 

Without spending more money on branding, websites, landing pages and expensive advertising,

READ this message carefully! 

Here’s why…
You’re about to discover a ground-breaking DISCOVERY (most people aren’t talking about) that DRAMATICALLY boosts the effectiveness of your social media presence.
A discovery that instantly skyrockets your likability among prospects, customers and clients at lightning speed.

                                                                   Dear Social Media User,

You’re reading this message because you’re someone with a mission.

Your reputation online matters to you.

Whether it’s for closing deals or connecting with other leaders, you desire a compelling social media presence!

And if there was a way to get MORE people to PAY ATTENTION to you…

You’d want to be the first to know about it, right?


Dear Social Media User,

You’re reading this message because you’re someone with a mission.

Your reputation online matters to you.

Whether its for closing deals or connecting with other leaders, you desire a compelling social media presence! 

And if there was a way to get MORE people to PAY ATTENTION to you…

You’d want to be the first to know about it, right?

What if I told you…
That ONE little tweak to your online presence could dramatically BOOST your views, GROW your audience and have a direct impact on your bottom line?

In this message, I will reveal my latest discovery that drastically boosts the attention, views and clicks someone gets from their entire social media presence.

Never mind the expensive costs of advertising, expensive branding and expensive social media experts.

This discovery is a result of over 20 years of experience and research.

This ONE little tweak, that has been quietly taking social media by storm. From Instagram, to Facebook, to Twitter, LinkedIN and Snapchat!

 This Simple Discovery Boosts Credibility, Maximizes Attention And Boosts Your Influence INSTANTLY!
It’s the first impression people have of you.
Before they click, read, watch or buy anything.

The picture in your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN profile… 

Can MAKE or BREAK your success online.

Most people don’t REALIZE how important it is…

Because most of today’s social media experts don’t talk about it.

But the surprising truth is… without a compelling social media picture… you’ll be ignored!

Even if you had the best content, the best video, the best product or service

If people PASS OVER your SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE — they won’t take you seriously, and they won’t engage with you.

It’s like being in the blazing heat of a dry desert… all alone, screaming at the top of your lungs, but NO ONE can hear you!

Have you ever felt that sting?

That somehow…
  • No matter how much content you post
  •  No matter how great your website is
  •  No matter how much you spend
It seems like something is HOLDING YOU BACK from gaining the level of influence necessary to take your brand to the next level?
Well, in this message,
I will reveal and prove to you the #1 SECRET I’ve found that has a dramatic impact on boosting your authority, credibility and likeability online.

I’ll prove to you that it’s not HOW you look, how PRETTY you are, how HANDSOME you are…

But a special combination of elements that make high-profile, super popular brands TAKE OFF like a ROCKET!

And I’ll show you how you can get this HOLLYWOOD, SUPERSTAR confident look in your profile pictures, even if you HATE taking pictures all together.
  • ​Make your social media profile “POP” and stand out from the crowd like a LIGHTNING BOLT! 
  • Create an INSTANT connection with potential prospects, customers & clients… as if they’re a “long lost friend!”
  • Display Presidential AUTHORITY that makes people STOP AND STARE… even if they’re half asleep! (You don’t need credentials, you just need a certain LOOK!)
  • ​Differentiate… or DIE — with this new profile picture, you’ll get NOTICED, get SEEN and get ATTENTION that would be hard to gain otherwise
  • ​Elevate your brand positioning to the next level… be respected, admired and desired by complete and total strangers who’ve never heard of you
  • ​ Communicate on a DEEPER LEVEL that eliminates scepticism, doubt and fear
  • ​ Resonate with TRUST on all your social media platforms, making it easier and faster to increase revenue & profits
  • ​BYPASS the “scepticism mechanism” which causes people to *skip* over profiles that don’t display a certain level of energy
  • ​TOP OF MIND — Get ranked and viewed as one of the “top” leaders in your industry… because your profile will resonate so strongly, people will automatically view you as someone to know
  • ​and much more
But first, let me explain how I came up with this concept and why you should listen to me
I know it sounds silly to believe that your social media profile makes such a big difference.

After all, a lot of people take a picture with their webcam and do just fine!


Your brand can function just FINE with a social media photo that lacks these tweaks!
But, the real question is…
What are you missing out on?
Here’s the sobering reality I had to face!

In the online world, your FIRST impression TAKES PLACE BEFORE you actually make a first impression!!
Think about it…
Nobody CLICKS on ANYTHING unless they like the picture they see beside your name & profile!!

If you were to put up a blank profile pic in all your social media profiles…

Do you think you’d get MORE clicks or LESS clicks?

Obviously, less clicks. People would think it’s a fake page.
Probably, zero trust and zero authority.

That’s asking too much of the end user!!

Ask me how I know!!!
See… when I first started…
I took my profile picture with a phone. It was quick, easy and simple.

Most people take their profile picture with a phone.
As I got more serious about my business, I took a professional picture, aka a “HEADSHOT.”

And although it was great, it looked cheesy.

Like I just came from taking family photos at a booth in a shopping centre.
Why Other People In My Industry Were Getting More Attention & More Popular Than Me
But I noticed something strange.
Other people in my industry were getting more attention than me.
First… I thought it was because they had a bigger platform.

Then, I thought…
Maybe they were better marketers than me. Over time, I had to accept the reality — their online presence was PERFECT!

Their whole online world was MAGICAL.

     I couldn’t help but start clicking.

It wasn’t just their graphic design or their fancy website.

Their profile picture was absolutely stunning.

Like the MONA LISA… it made me focus my attention on what they were doing.

You might be thinking…

“Yeah, I bet it was a woman” I thought that too.

But there were a few people, who don’t have big followings, don’t have a big “NAME” but still captivated my attention with nothing but a single picture.

And for the first time…

I understood the meaning of “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

It was speaking to their audience in vivid splashes of 3d colour instead of black and white.

It was telling them “I’m the person you’re looking for.”

                                                   It displayed confidence, competence and authority.

You might be thinking…

“Yeah, I bet it was a woman” I thought that too.

But there were a few people, who don’t have big followings, don’t have a big “NAME” but still captivated my attention with nothing but a single picture.

And for the first time…

I understood the meaning of “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

It was speaking to their audience in vivid splashes of 3d colour instead of black and white.

It was telling them “I’m the person you’re looking for.”

It displayed confidence, competence and authority.

They weren’t more qualified than me!

I had the credentials, the skills, the expertise, the knowledge but the attention was flowing to them.

So, I set out on a mission to get better photos created.

I spent months and months researching all the ins and outs of photography, lighting, angles.

My photos got better.

I pulled them into photoshop to improve the lighting.

Still, I felt that something was missing.

Still, my photos lacked that special WOW factor.

The dazzle that draws people in… that makes people scroll back and say “What was that?”

All I wanted was to make an IMPACT!

I got deeper.

Then it clicked.

I started looking at my stats, noticing which profile picture received more likes, more comments.

It was like a science experiment.

All the data I gathered, all the numbers, comparisons and research I pulled. I found…

I call it… 

The SMS FORMULA (Social Media Shots Formula)
I call it… 

The SMS FORMULA (Social Media Shots Formula)

‘What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say’

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our bodies talk. They express what we are thinking internally. Body language is nonverbal communication. Conscious and unconscious movements and postures expressing or conveying information to others.

Language is:
  • ​7% Verbal (Convey through words)
  • ​38% Vocal (Intonation, pitch, pauses etc) 
  • ​55% Non-Verbal (Body language, micro expressions) 

Body Language includes:
  • ​Body Postures
  • ​Body Gestures
  • ​Facial Movements
  • ​Eye Movements
  • ​Use of Space

In her successful TED Talk speech, Amy cuddy, explains how we can change other people’s perception of us by our own body language. All this take is a few simple tweaks in body posture and we can drastically change the message we are giving out.

In her talk, she explains the benefits of power posing. Not only do certain poses make you look more powerful, they can also increase the hormone testosterone, associated with dominance, confidence and assertiveness, whilst decreasing the hormone cortisol associated with stress.

These hormones drastically change our brain chemistry making us feel either powerful or disempowered.
No need to get paranoid wondering whether your body language aligns with your message. Our SMS FORMULA takes great consideration of body language. Our trained professionals know exactly which body language to exhibit in alignment to your message and which not to.


Micro expressions is a form of non-verbal communication. They are involuntary facial responses that indicate any emotions that a person is experiencing at that given time.

According to the world’s leading expert on micro expressions, Paul Ekman, micro facial expressions occur within 1/25th of a second and exposes a person’s true emotions.

Micro expressions are universal and all these expressions can fall under 7 universal emotions:
You see this all over the world. When you’re sad, you frown and droop your face. When you’re happy, your cheeks are pushed up, lip corner elevation occurs and crow’s feet form around the eyes. When you’re feared, you widen your eyes and gape your mouth.

A study was carried out in the university of York UK on ‘What make the first impression’
The experiment was conducted to see which facial traits trigger which responses on human raters
http://www.pnas.org/content/111/32/E3353.full.pdf (The Study)
They analysed 1000 face photographs.

They judged them based on 3 dimensions (factors)

1) Approachability
2) Dominance
3) Youthfulness/Attractiveness

They found 65 facial traits that can affects a person’s perception based on an initial first impression.
Some these traits include: Lower lip curvature, nose area, eye disposition, eyebrow height and many more.

For a detailed look on all the traits, see the table below:
In summary, these synthesised face-like images were complied, to illustrate the change in facial traits based on the 3 dimensions (factors): Approachability, Dominance and Youthfulness/Attractiveness.

The less likely representation of the dimensions (low) start on the left of each row going up to the ideal representation on the right (high):

Picture courtesy of http://www.pnas.org/content/111/32/E3353.full.pdf
Our trained professionals recognise facial dynamics and have exhaustedly mastered all the crucial/different micro movements. They know exactly which movements to amplify and which to reconfigure so you don’t have to think about It.
Squinching is a technique that can help you look more photogenic in front of the camera by using your eyes. The eyes play a critical role when taking a profile picture. They create an instant connection with your viewer and establishes trust.
Famous photographer Peter Hurley, has been teaching people for several years about squinching and how it can help you create more attractive, self-confident pictures.

The idea came into fruition once he realised that 90% of people have the deer-in-the-headlights look, standing in front of a camera (their eyes wide open).
Eyes wide open creates a look of fear and uncertainty, not exactly the look you want in your profile. 
The image on the left is the normal wide-eyed look and on the right, is with a squinch
You raise your lower eyelid and very slightly lower the top lid. It’s very important not to lower the top lid too much otherwise you will be squinting. The results, more confidence, attractiveness and adds character to your picture.
Squinching on the other hand makes us look more attractive and more confident.
You raise your lower eyelid and very slightly lower the top lid. It’s very important not to lower the top lid too much otherwise you will be squinting. The results, more confidence, attractiveness and adds character to your picture.
Being consciously aware of whether you’re squinching correctly can take your mind away from the main goal of looking good. Using the SMS FORMULA, our experienced photographers will guide you on when and how to create the correct squinch to achieve the right look. Just follow their guidance.

“You are not completely dressed until your face wears a smile”
~ Mahatma Ghandi
Smiling is one of the most key features when taking a profile picture. A smile is your greatest asset and communicates your current mood. Not only does a smile onset change internally, it also changes you externally. When you feel great in your inner world, it shows on your outer world.

A smile can make you appear more approachable, trust worthy and it also makes you better looking. People respond and treat you differently according to your smile.

But the most important factor is knowing how to smile and having the right elements in place to create that perfect smile.
Is there an art to smiling? Can we overdo it? After all we all know how to smile, right?

Research has shown that an exaggerated smile can be a social handicap and you may come across as less genuine.

After conducting an experiment on the dynamic properties of a successful smile, Lead Author Nathaniel E. Helwig said: ‘The results reveal that no single smile is “perfect” compared to the others. 

Instead, there exists a window of parameters, or “smile sweet spot”, which creates successful smiles.
According to Nathaniel E. Helwig’s research, using the right balance of elements to work synergistically together will create that sweet spot. 

They are broken down to:
  • ​Mouth Angle
  • ​Mouth balance of dental show
  • Smile Extent
  • Symmetry
The results were found through an experiment conducted on 802 participants. They were all shown a series of 3D computer animated smiles and were asked to rate these smiles on terms of effectiveness, genuineness, pleasantness and perceived emotional intent. 

Each featured smile expression was manipulated by smile angles, extent, dental show and symmetry.
The results show that more is not always better.

A successful smile consists of an optimal window of mouth angle and smile extent. The correct amount of dental shown for the given angle-extent combination with dynamic spatiotemporal timing.
 Figure above: Dental show effect at different levels of angle-extent.
(a) Two smiles with smaller angle-extent combinations. (b) Two smiles with larger angle-extent combinations. Increasing dental show makes the smile worse (i.e., less successful) for (a) and better (i.e., more successful) for (b).


No more walking around with a frozen smile throughout your shoot to maintain that sweet spot smile. Our SMS FORMULA heightens the very essence of the perfect smile. Through precise spatial temporal awareness, our trained photographers are able to detect your “sweet spot” every single time.
A Symmetrical composition are elements that are distributed evenly around a central point or axis. Both sides have a 50/50 balance, like a mirror and match on both sides.
Asymmetrical is the opposite of that.

Asymmetrical is like breaking a pattern to make it stand out. Any picture that is not even or is off-centre is considered asymmetrical.
According to author, entrepreneur, Social Media and Marketing Expert Guy Kawasaki, going asymmetrical is the only way:

‘Go asymmetrical: Symmetry makes a photo less interesting. Don’t put your face in the middle. Use hypothetical vertical lines to divide your photo into thirds and place your eyes on one of these lines’

We recall faces by their differences, by what makes them distinct from one another. If you have a symmetrical picture, you won’t be remembered as well.

Claus-Christian Carbon, a professor of psychology at the university of Banberg in Germany also states: ‘Perfection can be a little boring and slight asymmetries can make someone’s face appear very alluring.

A symmetrical image is soothing and our brain can recognise the algorithmic patterns. However, when we see an asymmetrical image, it causes and interruption and unease in our brain. Our brains are drawn to complexity by nature and tries to decipher the information. The longer we linger on something, the more of an attachment we form.

So with a slight asymmetrical profile picture, we are breaking the pattern and making us more interesting in the eye of the onlooker .

Asymmetry also releases dopamine (reward-motivated behaviour) and norepinephrine (motivation) in the brain that regulate your mood and behaviour.

A SMS chosen photographer, understands the variation of composition to relieve you of the headache. Meticulous frame structuring with a unique knowledge of pattern interruption, gives you the professionalism and quality you deserve.
Having the correct lighting to compliment your picture is one of the key elements when creating a profile picture. Some key benefits of having correct lighting are:

  • ​Good lighting demonstrates quality and makes you look more professional 
  • ​Boost definition on the face and bring out features
  • ​Control over intensity, direction of light and shape
  • ​Can tone down unwanted shadows and dark circles under the eyes
There are two types of lights that are vital for photography. Soft light and Hard light.
Like the name suggests soft is not being too dark. Soft light is a large light source.

Soft light is diffused and wraps around the subject. It creates a smooth transition between the light and the shadow. Soft lighting makes an individual look more youthful by smoothing problematic skin in photos.

Hard light is closer light source. It is direct and creates lots of contrast with hard shadows.

Hard light will highlight blemishes and texture of the skin.

Angles and lighting is the gel that puts all together to create that perfect profile picture. Our experienced photographers follow a strict attention to detail implementation of the SMS FORMULA. An emphasis on showcasing and highlighting your beauty is imperative. Allowing you to relax and just look great in front of the camera.
Our hair is a tool for expression. It communicates our image and personality. A kempt, well styled hair, can make you feel empowered and confident. On the contrary, an unmaintained “Bad hair day” can make you feel disempowered and less confident.

Whist everyone has a different hairstyle, which is exclusive to the individual and very important to them, we also factor in that everyone’s hair type is different.

Whether you’re a man or woman, have long, short, Oriental, Afro, wavy, curly, thick, medium or thin density hair type, the question is not whether to get a completely new look or not but rather how it will be styled to suit your message. It’s important to optimise your hair a certain way in front of the camera to create that winning first impression resulting in you having that perfect profile picture.
Dr Marianne LaFrance, director of the study “First Impressions and Hair Impressions” and professor of psychology at Yale University, shows through her study that hairstyles was the primary factor in a first impression. ‘We wanted to learn whether the frame around the face-the-hairstyle can significantly alter how a person is seen’ says Dr. Lafrance. ‘We found that different hairstyles can quickly lead others to see different kinds of people’.
Her study revealed that a hairstyle can increase a woman’s perceived sexiness, but decreases a woman perceived intelligence.

The research is one way to base an initial impression. And whilst it is an important impression, it is only one perception.

Due to the different variables and the depth of this topic, every aspect cannot be covered here. Below are just a handful of examples applicable to creating the perfect profile picture.
Women wearing short, tousled hairstyles are-seen-as the most confident and outgoing.
Women with long, straight, brunette or blond hairstyles, are perceived as the sexiest and most affluent.
Women with medium length, casual look hair are perceived as more intelligent and good natured.

But does this perception of hair only effect women?

Dr Lafrance’s study also showed that men’s hair gave a perceived impression about them.

Men with long shoulder length hair are perceived as careless and all brawn and no brain. The advantage is that they are perceived as good natured.
These sorts of styles are perceived as the most confident and sexy. The disadvantage is that this style is also perceived as egotistical
Men with medium-length, side-parted hair are perceived as the most intelligent and affluent. The disadvantage is that this style also is perceived as narrow-minded.

Our hairstyling experts fully understand the importance of the creating the right look. Using the SMS FORMULA, they work with parameters and your facial dynamics to produce a style that will proudly represent your message. No need to guess, no need to stress. Let our stylist do the work and flatter your face.
Makeup documentation can be traced back thousands of years. From staining fingernails in china to decorating eyes with Kohl in Egypt, makeup is an integrated part of our society.

Makeup has been worn by both men and women. In many cultures, makeup is used for rituals, status and even protection.

The Egyptians men used to wear Kohl around their eyes which they believed gave them the protection of the gods Horus and Ra whilst Alexander the great used eye makeup and claimed that it helped protect the skin around his eyes and sheltered them from the suns glare.

From ancient Britons to current movie stars and rock stars, makeup has played a role not only in women, but for men too.
But what does makeup have to do with photography?
As mentioned in step 6, lighting plays a crucial role in creating that perfect profile picture. All though lighting enhances certain features, it can also raise attention to certain areas that we do not require highlighting.

Male actors are fully aware of being on the red carpet and how lighting plays a big part when taking pictures and use subtle makeup to maintain that fresh first impression.

It’s all about synergistically using all these elements together to create that perfect profile picture. Makeup can be used to correct the distortions caused by the camera lens and light and bring life back to the skin. Powder can be used to cover up any blemishes and eliminate shine even on a bald head and concealer can be used to cover up bags.

But what judgement frames does makeup play when looking at your profile picture?

Can Makeup make you attractive, likeable, trustworthy or competent?

In 2011, a study was conducted from clinical professor of psychology at Harvard University, Nancy L. Etcoff.

Subjects were asked to rate a group of female faces, whose faces would be shown with no makeup and makeup. The images would be shown in 4 Makeup looks:

  • ​ Barefaced
  • ​ Natural
  • ​ Professional
  • ​ Glamourous
Each look would show increase in luminous contrast between the facial features and surrounding skin (Lips and eyes standing compared with skin)

The faces were shown for 250ms and then for an unlimited time.
They were asked to rate the face under judgement frames:
  • ​Attractiveness
  • ​Competence
  • ​Likeability
  • ​Trustworthiness
Image courtesy of
4 Makeup looks: Barefaced, natural, professional and glamorous makeup.
All looks revealed that each had a significant positive effect on judgements on competence and attractiveness both at 250 ms and at unlimited inspection.

Natural look had a positive effect on judgement all round.

Professional look had a significantly larger positive makeup effect at 250ms for likeability and trustworthiness.

And glamorous were positive on 250ms but not so much on unlimited inspection.

The highest contrast makeup (glamourous) increased attractiveness significantly while at the same time decreasing judgements of trustworthiness.

Overall, makeup increased likeability and trustworthiness when presented briefly.
Face art is an integral part of the SMS FORMULA. Our highly skilled makeup artists have well intertwined our method into their daily practice. Rest assured that whatever your skin type, our makeup artist will seamlessly rise to the occasion and create a non-verbal masterpiece. All you have to do is strike a pose.
Backgrounds play an instrumental role in creating your perfect profile picture. If there is too much going on in the background, it can draw the viewer’s attention away from the actual message. The background is supposed to complement and blend into your message.

Different colours can add different properties to the face. A strong colour can make a viewer ponder/question to why you would choose that colour and what that means about you whereas neutral colours can complement tones and support your message.
Neutral colours are calming and are not distracting. The less distracting the background, the louder you shine.


Strong background colours such as red can signify seriousness, boldness, strength, determination and love. Red can also enhance blood flow and is associated to danger.

Bright colours are associated with creativity but too much yellow, will show joy and happiness, but is also connected with cowardice.

White shows purity, goodness and it usually has a positive connotation and can represent a successful beginning.

Black can be associated to evil and mystery but it is also considered to be very formal, elegant and is a prestigious colour

Purple is associated to royalty, power and luxury whilst blue represents trust, loyalty, intelligence and confidence. It is also shown to slow human metabolism and produces a calming effect.

One of the many advantages of our SMS FORMULA is that our trained photographers will tailor make the background according to your message. We carefully match the right neutral colours to you. This gives you the upper hand when portraying your message and gives you a professional profile picture that demonstrates quality and one to feel proud about.
How you dress is how people will perceive you. If you dress as someone who is a professional, confident and takes care of your appearance, your target audience, will feel comfortable that you will take care of them in the same manner and conduct business on the same level of professionalism. 
If you dress casual, have an unkempt appearance and come across incompetent, your target audience will hesitate whether to conduct business with you and find it difficult to put their trust in you.
A formal attire will help you demonstrate your message to your audience. The feeling will give you a sense of confidence and certainty and will show in your picture.
In a study conducted by Northwestern University, researchers describe the systematic influence that clothes have on the wearer’s psychological processes which they call ‘Enclothed cognition’

Participants were given white lab coats and they conducted 3 experiments.
In experiment 1 some wore the lab coats and some didn’t.

In experiment 2&3, some were told that they were wearing a doctor’s coat and some were told that they were wearing a painter’s coat.
Interestingly, the results showed were pretty profound. In experiment 1, wearing a lab coat increased attention and did not by not wearing one.

In experiment 2, attention did not increase with participants who associated the lab coat with a painter however, attention increased with participants who wore a lab coat and associated it with a doctor.

Their actions were influenced by their clothing and this proves the fact that you should dress how you want to feel.

We understand the importance of clothing and with all the above steps in the SMS FORMULA, our professional photographers will blend that all together to not only make you feel a certain way, they will capture that moment like the professional that you are and present it in a way that your audience will adhere to
We have been wearing jewellery for thousands of years. Jewellery has played a big role in our daily lives from the humble beginnings used by tribe members to kings, pharaohs and emperors to demonstrate wealth, status and power. Some people wear jewellery for their healing properties, for the look of it, how it makes you feel and others as a fashion statement.

Either way, people will make a visual representation of you by the jewellery you assemble together so it’s important that we think carefully about what signal we are giving off with our jewellery.
When thinking about your profile picture, a clean, subtle, non-distracting look is the way forward.
Big clunky jewellery can be distracting and give out the wrong signals in your profile picture.
When thinking about your profile picture, a clean, subtle, non-distracting look is the way forward. It demonstrates professionalism, competence and trust.
Jewellery should represent the style of the look you are going for. You want to go for something that blends in and doesn’t stick out to distract the attention of your audience. A few subtle statements is all that is needed to enhance your message. We suggest less is best.
Combining the top up of jewellery to the SMS FORMULA equates to the perfect profile picture. Our trained team will add your jewellery to the rest of the elements to create a powerful message. We will expose the right amount whilst maintaining that professional look.
What if you had a way to create stunning, attractive and influential photos that draw the ideal customers & clients to you like a GIANT magnet.
A photo so perfect it creates a psychological sensation to the viewer and signals your “WOW” factor instantly.

This photo is unlike ANY photo you’ve ever taken before

Because it has all the elements to STOP a TOTAL STRANGER DEAD in their TRACKS and say “OMG! Who is that?”

Because they *instantly* recognise… “there’s something SPECIAL about you.”

That’s the power of the SMS FORMULA.

A formula designed to captivate your audience.

A formula designed to get a person to click on your about page, click on your biography, or start researching (aka STALKING) you online.

Of course,

We all know about having a good photo, a good background, good clothing, but there were many other detailed factors that I never knew were important.

One of them is Asymmetrical Composition - a special photography shot that makes a photo more interesting.

It literally enhances the quality of the photo just by the arrangements of the elements in the photo.
As humans,

We judge books by their cover. We judge people based on how they dress… how they talk, how they act.

Obviously, if you work at a fast food restaurant, you’ll wear a uniform.

But when you represent a brand, you have to represent your brand with an image that SPEAKS VOLUMES about you — before you say a single word.

Back to the asymmetrical composition.

If you were to imagine a glass placed next to a water pitcher, and a beautiful ocean 20 feet away. It would be a great photo.

But what would make it better is if we FOCUSED on the glass, and moved the pitcher slightly off to the side of the glass.

NOW, instead of a flat, boring picture. We have a 3-dimensional picture.

There were more elements, like body language, lighting, jewellery and many others.
Now that I had a new formula to boost my results, I put them to work

I gathered photographers and instead of sending them to take pictures like a TRADITIONAL PHOTOSHOOT

I worked with them extensively, trained them on the new approach, showed them examples and guided them to have the SMS FORMULA MINDSET.
THEN The magic happened…
We started seeing a boost in the views and clicks on our profile pages.

Suddenly, we were getting more attention, more comments and more compliments.

Not the usual “nice photo” compliments, but people made comments that confirmed we were in alignment with our brand message.

People started asking how they could get their upgraded profile.

That’s when I knew I had to do something.

I created the SMS Formula, trained my team, assembled a staff, acquired studio locations and we got down to business.

You’re probably thinking,

“Oh, that sounds great but I’m not an author or a public speaker.”

That makes sense because most of the big-name experts are involved in sales in some way.

But the SMS formula isn’t limited to a small group, people from all types of industries have started using SMS formula.

  • Social Media Influencers
  •  Wealth Coaches
  •  Linkdin Experts/Influencers
  •  Training Companies/Individuals
  •  Property Training/Coaches
  •  Coaching Companies 
  •  Life Coaches
  •  NLP Coaches
  •  Business Coaching 
  •  Career Coaching
  •  Performance Coaches/Company
  •  Relationship Coaching
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Two Reasons Why You NEED Help Upgrading Your Social Media Photographs!

First, booking a photography studio.

Many photographer’s own cameras, but they don’t own equipment.
Second, finding a photographer who brings out the best in you.

You could easily be looking at £150 per hour

and at the end of 3 hours,

Whether you like it or not… you’re OUT of £450 and a bunch of half-decent photos that were taken from a photographer’s point of view.

They’ll always be good enough to post on social media, but NOT good enough to make a complete stranger TAKE NOTICE!

Even if you magically found the perfect photographer, with a great rate…

He or she would only be taking photos from a MAGAZINE COVER mindset.

They’ll take snap shots.

“Yes, you look fabulous!” And they’ll have you feeling like a million dollars while you’re there. You might be tempted to become a movie star.

But you don’t mind a photographer with a magazine cover mindset.

People buy magazines regardless of who’s on the cover!

You need a photographer with an INFLUENCE MINDSET.
A photographer who understands that ONE photo - makes the difference between making a sale or losing a sale.

A photographer who understands your profile must stimulate attention, curiosity, desire and power to convince the viewer that you have the “IT FACTOR.” 

That special thing that they’re looking for, but can’t describe. 

You might be thinking… Okay… this sounds great, but I’m not Attractive at All. 

I’m Shy, I’m Unattractive and I’d Never Look Good On Camera 

Au Contraire! 

It isn’t about looking like a supermodel. 

It’s about exuding the confidence and energy that supermodels often display. 

Our team is highly-trained to bring out your natural ability to pose like a superstar, bring out your best features and highlight them for the world to see. 


Our Proven Method Will Leave You In Total Awe Of Your Stunning New Photos And You Will Take Away Your Perfect Profile Picture With You On The Day to use IMMEDIATELY!!!
This sounds Expensive…how much will this Social Media Shot Cost Me?
From the sounds of it…


Considering the “glam squad” we’ve assembled, plus our highly trained photographers and staff, and the four hours involved from start to finish
This is why most people prefer to stick to their iPhones.

They simply can’t justify investing £1k in a photoshoot.
On the other hand…
SAVVY individuals like YOURSELF go the extra-mile to get results.

(If you’re thinking of buying your own professional camera, don’t bother. It would cost at least £1k just for a decent entry-level Canon camera kit.)

You don’t need to invest £1k in a photoshoot or a camera.

Because we’re launching this new service, we’re making a SPECIAL....

We're giving the first 100 people a special savings discount to get the FULL treatment of the SMS FORMULA for only...
That includes EVERYTHING!!

We obviously can’t do it at this rate for long, but we’ve made a special deal with the team to kick off this new service.

That means, when you reserve your spot today.. 

You’ll get EVERYTHING included here for just one simple payment of  £80

We obviously can't do it at this rate for long, but we've made a special deal with the team to kick off this new service.

That means, when you reserve your spot today..

You'll get EVERYTHING INCLUDED here for just one simple payment of £80
TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO Become Magnetic to New Fans, Followers and Viewers Across the Globe

Hundreds And Thousands Of People Are Looking For You,
But They’ll Never See You Unless You Make It Impossible For Them To Miss You!!
(Read that twice!)
You see…

I highly doubt that your social media presence is optimized to be influential, attractive and authoritative.

I know this because 95% of social media profile photos, are less than average.

They’re just taken because they HAVE to be.
They were never taken with INTENT and FOCUS!!

That’s why I’m urging you to take this offer while it’s still available.

Nobody else would even DARE make this offer. Let alone at this amount.

So, if you’re even halfway interested, now is a good time to claim your spot.

You’ll have a full 90 days to redeem the offer from the date of purchase.

However, we have a limited number of spaces available for this first run. That’s because we’ve been overwhelmed with requests.

All you have to do is try it and see if it helps you.

I know that it will, but you can make the final decision.

Ask yourself this question:
How many people will see your social media profile over the next 6 months?
Imagine if 10,000 people see it but only 1,000 click to enlarge the photo.

That’s 1,000 opportunities to make an irresistible first impression.

Now, suppose if only 100 people become customers or clients or contacts…

That could be an extra £10,000 in profit. Isn’t that worth a try?

Social Media Shots | Copyright © 2019 | All Rights Reserved
Contact us on  (+44) 207 097 4747  Opening Hours Mon-Fri 12pm-5pm (UK)
Email us on support@socialmediashots.com
Social Media Shots | Copyright © 2019 | All Rights Reserved
Contact us on (+44) 207 097 4747 
 Opening Hours Mon-Fri 12pm-5pm (UK)
Email us on support@socialmediashots.com
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